It's Valentines Day today, and I am separated, and getting divorced in October. And yet, I am the happiest I have been in many many years. I know from speaking to my ex that he is happier and calmer, and I have been reflecting back on Valentines Days past and what's changed. What's different now? I'm more confident in myself. I made the massive decision to move out of the family home in November, when I felt that I couldn't hold all the pieces of our family together and keep myself intact. So, over the past few months I have been putting myself back together, and I am discovering some wonderful things along the way. I have made mistakes and I have cried, I've been rude and shouty, I've smiled at strangers, I've helped friends. I've been helped. I've read great books and crappy books and watched TV and played with my kids and grieved my cat and grieved my marriage. I've taken up smoking and quit again. I've had some incredibly pain...